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Use Gmock for testing


Basic Concepts

The mock object don’t implement the real behavior. In Gmock, we can check the method calling by mock object.

Basic Usage

In many situations, we need a component to provide a set of functions. We can define them into one class and derive multiple children which perform a little differently.

class Dog {
    virtual Dog();

    virtual void eat(Food f) = 0;
    virtual void bark() = 0;
    virtual void sleep() = 0;
    virtual bool alive() const = 0;

So we can also derive a Mock Class as below:

#include <gmock/gmock.h>

class MockDog : public Dog {
    virtual MockDog();

    MOCK_METHOD0(eat, void(Food f));
    MOCK_METHOD0(bark, void());
    MOCK_METHOD1(sleep, void());
    MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(alive, bool());

Then we can use the mock object to check behavior of Dog as below:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>

TEST(MockDogTest, TestName) {
    MockDog dog;
    // call in total
    EXPECT_CALL(dog, bark()).Times(3);
    EXPECT_CALL(dog, eat("Bone")).Times(1);

    // call in one sequence 
        ::testing::InSequence dummy;
        // all in dummy
        EXPECT_CALL(dog, bark()).Times(3);
        EXPECT_CALL(dog, eat("Bone")).Times(1);

    // call in multiple sequence
    ::testing::InSequence s1, s2;
    // in s1 and s2
    EXPECT_CALL(dog, bark()).Times(3).InSequecne(s1, s2);
    // in s1
    EXPECT_CALL(dog, eat("Bone")).Times(1).InSequence(s1);
    // in s2
    EXPECT_CALL(dog, sleep());

    // check return
    EXPECT_CALL(dog, alive()).WillByDefault(::testing::Return(true));

    // many more feature see
    EXPECT_CALL(mock_object, method(matchers))

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

There are some differences if with template:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>

template<typename T>
class Dog {
    virtual ~Dog();

    virtual void eat(Food f) = 0;
    virtual void bark() = 0;
    virtual void sleep() = 0;
    virtual bool alive() const = 0;

class MockDog : public Dog {
    virtual ~MockDog();

    // with `_T` suffix if with template
    MOCK_METHOD0_T(eat, void(Food f));
    MOCK_METHOD0_T(bark, void());
    MOCK_METHOD1_T(sleep, void());
    MOCK_CONST_METHOD0_T(alive, bool());

Basic Mechanism